Drug companies continue testing drugs to treat the symptoms associated with Multiple Sclerosis. Meanwhile, people suffering with MS are using a unique form of do-it-yourself acupressure to resolve their disabling MS symptoms. After four months of EFT treatments, one man returned to work after 24 years on disability pension and two years later, he continues to be symptom free and enjoying a full and active life.
San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) October 14, 2006 -- After being on disability for 24 years, Hank Hadley, a Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patient celebrates his second year of full time employment. After persistent application of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), he is pain-free, has no symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis and works at a physically demanding job.
EFT often works where nothing else will because it addresses the emotional roots of diseases like MS. Conventional treatments for MS involve complex drug cocktails to treat the myriad of symptoms. In contrast EFT offers one simple drug-free solution to treating the physical, emotional, and cognitive components of MS. EFT can be learned without cost by downloading the free EFT Manual at http://www.emofree.com/downloadeftmanual.asp?ref=prw-MScw
After injuring his tailbone at age 10, Mr. Hadley spent the next 42 years of his life in pain. He endured 16 surgeries to his back and neck and tried to find relief with prescription addictive painkillers. He relied on crutches and a wheelchair to get around and was finally diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
When he attended an EFT workshop with EFT Master, Sophia Cayer (www.solacewithsophia.com) Mr. Hadley’s pain, on a zero to 10 scale, was consistently at an 8 or 9. He had been unable to work and had been receiving disability benefits for 24 years. He was disabled and suicidal, believing that all hope of being pain free was gone.
During that EFT workshop, Mr. Hadley felt significant relief from his pain and began doing EFT work with Ms. Cayer twice weekly and doing EFT on himself 3 to 4 times a day. During their EFT sessions Mr. Hadley and Ms. Cayer addressed his emotional issues and traumatic events and as they cleared each trauma, Mr. Hadley’s pain subsided and eventually disappeared completely. Interestingly, most of his EFT treatment focused on alleviating emotional issues, not physical issues. This is a frequent finding with EFT and gives impressive weight to the mind-body connection.
After four months of EFT treatment, Mr. Hadley was off all pain medication. His MS symptoms disappeared as did arthritis symptoms and pain from scar tissue. He began working full time at a job where he was physical most of the day. Two years later he reports that with persistent daily EFT tapping, he continues to work full time and remains symptom free.
Having recently celebrated his 54th birthday, Mr. Hadley says he is, “Euphoric! I feel I am leading the best life ever, probably since I was 10 years old or younger." He is enjoying horseback riding and long walks, and theme park rides with his grandchildren; things that he had never been able to do – and never thought he would be able to do. Sophia Cayer said, “I will always remember the day Hank turned in his “Handicapped” license plate!”
Dr. Eric Robins, who uses EFT in his daily medical practice, explains how this kind of improvement is possible with EFT. “At least 85% of medical problems are physical manifestations of how stress, anxiety, and past traumas are held in and processed by the body. The best technique to address these issues and to clear them out of the body is EFT.”
This gentle, do-it-yourself form of acupressure neutralizes negative, disruptive feelings, emotions and stress and balances the energy meridians (Chi or Qi). When balance is achieved in the meridians, physical and emotional symptoms associated with diseases like MS and arthritis dissipate.
The mission of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is to “end the devastating effects of MS”.
Gary Craig, the Stanford-trained engineer who developed EFT says, “We have spent a decade chronicling cases where people use this simple procedure to gain complete relief from the symptoms of serious diseases such as MS, diabetes, arthritis and cancer. It is time for the associations representing people with these diseases to explore ways that EFT can be used to benefit their membership.”
To ensure global accessibility to EFT, Craig makes the EFT Manual available online at no cost. The official EFT Manual has been translated by volunteer practitioners into nine languages. It can be downloaded at http://www.emofree.com/downloadeftmanual.asp?ref=prw-MScw
Although most Americans have yet to hear of it, EFT may be the world’s fastest-growing self-help technique because people are getting results where nothing else has worked. Over 350,000 have downloaded Craig’s free training manual and another 10,000 download it each month.
For further information, contact Gary Craig at 707-785-2848.