MS Toolkit: The Patients' & Caregivers' Guide to Multiple Sclerosis by Cary J Polevoy with Chris Bogard-Reynolds
Available for $20.48 at Amazon (see link below)
Reviewed by LizOP
MSWorld Book Reviewer
The authors did their homework and have written a well organized and candid journal of Polevoy's MS experience. Experiences anyone with MS can relate to. His wife, Chris Bogard-Reynolds, obviously worked well with him to round out all aspects of living with MS.
The second section is "What you need to know about MS." Whenever I see a long list of what can happen with MS, I am cautious to not become distressed because I know that only some symptoms relate to me. As with any book on what is possible with MS, I warn newly diagnosed people to read only what relates to them at the time, otherwise it is possible to become overwhelmed with unknown possibilities.
Polevoy discusses treatments and experimental treatments which always need to be discussed with our doctors before attempting.
The authors used an interesting format for the third section, "Issues in MS & Chronic Disease." They have a Q&A section, making it reader friendly.
The last part of the book is valuable information about "Social Security and Disability Insurance." It is thorough and covers a lot of territory where most readers can find their experiences included.
This book is a good resource from first-hand experience. The only real negative I see is the extremely small print size in the titles and the forms shown in the book. They are barely readable and I needed to refer to the table of contents.
Even so, this team put together a comprehensive book which is not an easy task, given they did this without a team of researchers and assistants, as in most MS resource books. For this I applaud them.
Check out their Website at www.ms-toolkit.blogspot.com.
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